Sunday, November 30, 2008


Tonight the JETs had a big Thanksgiving dinner. We rented a kitchen in a place and a room to eat in, and spent the entire day cooking. We made turkey and stuffing, ham with pineapple, garlic mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, bread and dip, green beans with toaster almonds, pumpkin and apple pie. We ended up having about 18 people, we invited a bunch of Japanese friends and it was really nice. I'm exhausted so I don't have the energy to write much else. Take a look:

By the way, we got the turkey online. They don't have turkeys in Japan. The ovens here are so small, it was quite an interesting experience cooking it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmmmm! What a delicious dinner you all made! It looks wonderful in the pictures - especially the famous Miriam apple pie!