Monday, September 22, 2008

Sports Festival Pictures

Pictures from the Sports Festival are now up, but for reasons of the students' privacy the album is unlisted. If you want to see the pictures, email me, or comment on this post, and let me know, and I'll email you the link. 


I'm at school, and it's the most interesting time of the day right now, so I'll comment on it. Every day the students clean the school, from vacuuming the rugs to dusting the bookcases. The school is like one loooooong box, with a single long hallway running down each floor, and one of the things the students do is take rags and sweep the floors. But how they do it, a few of them (boys) line up at one end of the hall, making an inverted V with their bodies, with the rags on the floor, and then they essentially race down the hall, pushing the rag in front of them, with their legs like propellers behind them. It's one of those things that is so amusing to me, because there is absolutely no equivalent in America. 

Oh, also, at this time of day, after classes end and before sports begin, the sound system pipes relaxing plinky music through the school. It's like lullaby music, and the students are supposed to reflect on what they've learned, or at least that's what the English teacher, Yanagita-sensei, told me.

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