Monday, September 1, 2008

Just Another Side Note

I just saw this article that made me happy. Scottish schools are starting to give girls the HPV vaccination. 

Meanwhile, America in its infinite stupidity is locked in a political debate about the efficacy and appropriateness of the vaccine. Fact: the vaccine is preventative. It protects against cervical cancer. There are no known side effects. It is approved for girls as young as 12. It does NOTHING but SAVE LIVES. So why are some Americans up in arms? In a classic case of American idiocy, some people are against giving the vaccine to young girls because, get this, HPV can be transmitted sexually, and these people believe that vaccinating girls will make them more likely to have sex. You know how you can prevent kids from having sex? Yeah, definitely by withholding life-saving drugs, that's a fool-proof plan. 

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