Sunday, September 7, 2008

Monkey Park and Touring Shiso

Today our Japanese conversation class teachers took us on a trip to the Monkey Park, which is like a little monkey farm, up in the hills, where the monkeys basically roam around free and you can walk around and see them. You can get right up close to them, but you have to be careful because they will attack if provoked. 

We also went to see a pretty waterfall, and waded in the water a bit, and then drove up to Haga Castle (Haga is one of the four towns in Shiso-I live in Yamasaki, the biggest one) which was on a sort of bluff and was absolutely gorgeous. 

I also added five new videos, check them out:

Ok, as I'm sitting here writing this, I get a knock on my door. Guess who? A Jehovah's Witness. I kid you not. Here, in Japan. Go figure. 


CRM said...

Yeay! you thought of me while looking at baboons! They are sooo cute. I looked at your pictures, yet I didn't see any of you holding any. The landscape pics are gorgeous!

CRM said...

Ohh by the way CRM is an alias for Claw. Just in case you were wondering who CRM is.

Unknown said...

Great pictures, Miriam. The view from Haga Castle is spectacular! Good to see you in so many pictures, this time, so I can add them to the album I am making :-)